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Agriculture Power Systems

Agricultural Mechanics 1

- Mr. George

This is an introductory level class that will cover basic Ag Mechanics skills. The skills covered, but not limited to, will be arc welding, oxy-acetylene cutting, wood working, electrical, small engine service and repair, and tractor safety/ operation. Our focus will be on shop safety at ALL TIMES and will work to maintain a safe learning environment for all students. Since every student in this class is considered an FFA member we will cover FFA materials throughout the year and a percentage of the student’s grade will be decided from his/her performance during these sections.


Diesel Technology

- Mr. Withers

This is an introductory level class in the theories of Diesel Technology.  The main focus is to learn the theories and skills used in operation, breakdown, trouble shooting, maintenance, repair and safety.  This class is designed to give students hands-on experience working on Diesel Engines.


ROP Small Engines

- Mr. Withers

This is a capstone advanced mechanics course offered to juniors and seniors who have taken the Diesel Tech class.  This is based on the operation and diagnostics of small gas engines used in the agriculture industry.  Students learn to breakdown, repair and troubleshoot engines and are taught skills to industry standards.


ROP Desiel Engines

- Mr. Withers

This is a capstone class that focuses on the advanced theory and operation of diesel engines, hydraulics, and electrical diagnostics.  Students are taught using industry standards and are exposed to new technologies in diesel mechanics.  Job shadowing and community classroom are key elements to the success of this course.  



Madera South High School - 705 West Pecan Ave - Madera, Ca 93637 - (559) 675-4450

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